Kirsty Shand, Moray Council

Winner of the Scotland Loves Local Judges' Special Award 2023

Outstanding work in supporting the roll-out of the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card – supporting people and local businesses – was recognised with the presentation of Judges’ Special Awards.


Kirsty Shand, a project officer at Moray Council, has been at the forefront of encouraging people to get behind local businesses by spearheading the card across the region, encouraging traders to sign up to accept it as well as urging shoppers and major employers to use it as another means by which to choose local.

The audience heard: “Her work has ensured the gift card has become an integral part of the community – encouraging businesses, charities and community groups to be part of the programme, helping them not just survive, but thrive.”

Glasgow City Council officers Ewan Eccleston and Ivonne Hamilton were also announced as recipients.

The award was made in recognition of their contribution towards the roll-out of the Scotland Loves Local Glasgow Gift Card in summer 2022.

Ewan, the council’s economic development manager, and strategic operations manager Ivonne led the team responsible for the distribution of cards worth £1-5 to 85,000 low-income households across the city.

The project – backed by Scottish Government funding – has been credited with supporting people and families through the cost of living crisis, while also boosting the local economy.

More than £7m has since been spent in Glasgow using the cards distributed – with approaching 1,000 city businesses registered to accept them.

You can find out more about the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card here.